Cerca Integratore per...
- Antioxidants and Anti-aging
- Anziani
- Bambini
- Capelli
- Cellulite blemishes
- Cholesterol and Triglycerides
- Body Weight Control
- Heart and Circulatory system
- Body Cleanse and Diuresis
- Immune System
- Digestion
- Donne
- Sport and Energy
- Fegato
- Menopause
- Brain
- Omega 3
- Bones, Ligaments and Joints
- Skin
- Prostata
- Sleep and Rest
- Sport
- Stress Relief and body tension
- Uomini
- Vene e Capillari
- Urinary tract
- Acido L-Aspartico
- Aglio nero
- Amamelide
- Amla
- Ananas
- Angelica
- Anice stellato
- Artiglio del diavolo
- Astaxantina
- Astragalo
- Bacopa
- Bambù
- Betulla
- Biancospino
- Boswellia
- Carciofo
- Cardo mariano
- Cassia nomame
- Catuaba
- Centella asiatica
- Colina
- Cordyceps
- Coriolus
- Crespino
- Damiana
- Dioscorea
- D-Mannosio
- Eleuterococco
- EnotProst®
- Epilobio
- Escolzia
- Fico
- Fillanto
- Finocchio
- Frassino
- Fumaria
- Garcinia
- Ginseng
- Giuggiolo
- Glutatione ridotto
- Goji
- Griffonia
- Gynostemma
- Ibisco
- Ippocastano
- Kudzu
- L-Arginina
- L-Citrullina
- L-Ornitina
- Luppolo
- Maca
- Magnesio
- Malva
- Manganese
- Maqui
- Meliloto
- Melissa
- Melograno
- Mirra
- Mirtillo rosso
- Mirtillo rosso americano
- Muira puama
- Naringenina
- Olivattiva®
- Omega-3
- Ortica
- Ortosiphon
- OxiP®
- Pappa reale
- Peperoncino
- Perilla
- Pilosella
- Pino marittimo
- Pompelmo
- Propoli
- Quercetina
- Reishi
- Resina di mastiha
- Rhodiola
- Ribes nero
- Riso rosso fermentato
- Rosa canina
- Rosmarino
- Rusco
- Sambuco
- Schisandra
- Selenio
- Shilajit
- Spirulina
- Suma
- Tarassaco
- Tiglio
- Trifoglio rosso
- Uva
- Uva ursina
- Valeriana
- Verbena
- Vite rossa
- Zenzero
- Zinco
- Zucca
Natural Products
68 products
Showing 1 - 68 of 68 products
Salugea natural products stand out for their very high quality and for their effectiveness. They contain dry extracts of plants with high titrations (to guarantee a high presence of effective active ingredients), and we guarantee the presence of exclusively natural excipients, in quantities always less than 5% of the formulation.
In supplements based on plant extracts we use only vegetable capsules (not of animal origin) and pharmaceutical grade dark glass bottles (not plastic), with a reusable safety seal under the cap. This special packaging allows to preserve the quality and reliability of the products over time, even after the first opening.
High Quality Omega 3
Vitamin D3, Vitamin K2, Vitamin E and Magnesium
Cholesterol and Triglycerides
Weight control
Deep Liver Cleanse
Hair, nails and skin
Cellulite blemishes
Circolazione venosa
Water retention
Natural throat spray
Energy and Vitality
Joints, tendons and ligaments
Sleep quality and duration
Defence and support
Immune Defenses of Children
Ferro liposomiale, Rame, Vit B12 e Vit C
Calm and Relaxation
Digestion and Purification
Sensibilità agli Allergeni
Stomach and intestines
Memory and Focus
Urinary tract
Man’s Vigour
Muscle endurance
Muscle recovery
Muscle endurance and recovery
Blood vessels and heart
Tone and support
Urinary tract wellness
Immune system
Regenerative effect
Gastro-intestinal mucosa
Anti-aging effect
Stanchezza fisica e mentale
Vie Respiratorie