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Food Supplements for the Circulatory System
7 products
Showing 1 - 7 of 7 products
Welcome to this section where you will find our natural food supplements for the cardiovascular system. There are a few and we will explain below which they are and for what they are best suited for.
- Acai: available as a juice or a dry extract. Whatever is the form you decide to take it, Acai is by far the No 1 fruit for the circulatory system. It can strengthen blood vessels and promote healthy circulation, especially in case of varicose veins, broken capillaries, high cholesterol levels, etc.
- DKE + Magnesio: vitamin D is recommended in a variety of situations as several are its properties. It is particularly beneficial for the blood vessel and the heart.
- Omega 3 Krill Oil: our Omega 3 oil is derived from a tiny crustacean called Krill that lives in the pristine waters of Southern Ocean. The essential fatty acids it contains are extremely beneficial to the circulatory system. Omega 3 Krill oil can be used either to prevent heart diseases or to provide support after a stroke, or any other kind of heart problems.
- Liposan Forte: it lowers the cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood stream, before they get too high and damage the whole cardiovascular system.
Showing 1 - 7 of 7 products

Liposan Forte Nuova Formula
Cholesterol and Triglycerides

Omega 3 Krill Oil
High Quality Omega 3

Organic Acai Juice
Blood vessels and heart

DKE + Magnesio
Vitamin D3, Vitamin K2, Vitamin E and Magnesium

Glutatione Forte
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