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Food supplements for the Digestive Tract
14 products
Showing 1 - 14 of 14 products
Every single time you eat, you need to loosen your belt. Is this your case? Is your stomach bloated in such a way that it makes you feel uncomfortable? Are you dreaming about having a perfectly working bowel, just like a Swiss watch? Then you are on the right page of our website! Below can you see food supplements for the Digestive Tract,that are the best suited for your digestive disorders:
- COLONSAN Enhanced Formula: improves digestion and prevents belly bloating due to gas production. It is very effective in case of loose/hard stools, stomach burning, colitis...
- Mangosteen 100% Pure Juice: counteracts stomach acidity and relives the symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux. Effective in case of inflammation of the stomach and bowel mucosa.
- Aloe Vera 100% Pure Juice: our way to pamper your digestive tract, from the stomach down to the intestines.
Showing 1 - 14 of 14 products
Colonsan Enhanced Formula
Stomach and intestines
Organic Mangosteen Juice
Gastro-intestinal mucosa
Organic Sea Buckthorn Juice
Reflugea Forte
Intestinum Forte
Probiogea Mente
Probiotico per l’umore
ProbioGea Donna
Probiotico per la donna
ProbioGea Intestino
Probiotico per l’intestino
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