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Food supplements for the Immune System
18 products
Showing 1 - 18 of 18 products
Finding your way amongst a variety of food supplements to boost your immune system can be hard work. That’s why we have prepared a mini guide which we hope you’ll find useful:
- DKE + Magnesio and Acerola 100% pure juice: are your immune system best friends. Vitamin D3 boosts your defences against viruses and harmful bacteria, so you will not fall ill. The Acerola juice is a super cherry with an extremely high Vitamin C content (50 times the Vitamin C contained in oranges).
- Elderberry 100% pure juice: excellent for thinning phlegm in your lungs, it is also the best ally of “runny noses”..
- Acerola and Noni fruit 100% pure juices: full of Vitamins, especially A and C, and mineral salts. They are energetic and can be a real booster especially when you are convalescent.
- Aloe Vera 100% pure juice: it deeply cleanse the body, eliminates the toxins thus preventing tissue inflammation.
Showing 1 - 18 of 18 products
Glutatione Forte
DKE + Magnesio
Vitamin D3, Vitamin K2, Vitamin E and Magnesium
Organic Aloe Vera Juice
Digestion and Purification
Immuno Bimbi
Immune Defenses of Children
Organic Acerola Juice
Defence and support
Organic Elderberry Juice
Vie Respiratorie
Sensibilità agli Allergeni
Adults’ immune system
Goji Juice
Immune system
Natural throat spray
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