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Food supplements for the Nervous System
12 products
Showing 1 - 12 of 12 products
Memory, concentration, stress… Welcome to this section where we will deal with the nervous system problems. Hereunder you will find the best food supplement to improve your cognitive functions!
You want to stay concentrated and focused for longer? Try Memosan!
You feel paralized by anxiety and stress? No problem, thanks to Rilassa Mente you will be able to keep them at bay.
Every night falling asleep is your worst nightmare? Try Serena Notte and you will love your pillow forever! And that’s not the end of it!
In this section you will also find Omega 3 Krill Oil, a concentration of essential fatty acids our nervous system needs.
DKE + Magnesio: a cocktail of Vitamin D3, Vitamin K2, vitamin E and Magnesium which will surprise you for its many properties.
And finally comes the Noni fruit 100% Pure Juice. This fruit has been known for ages for its boosting and regenerating properties.

Calm and Relaxation

Probiotico per l’umore

Memory and Focus

Sleep quality and duration

High Quality Omega 3

Vitamin D3, Vitamin K2, Vitamin E and Magnesium

Stanchezza fisica e mentale