- 1 - Who is it for
- 2 - How to take
- 3 - Ingredients
- 4 - Frequently Asked Questions
Salugea Stress and Insomnia Program was created thinking about you, when you are in a moment of stress and tension, to help you relax, face your days with more mental clarity and rest better during the night.
- Improve duration and quality of night's sleep
- Promotes daily mental clarity in times of stress
- With juice from Maqui Salugea, a powerful antioxidant with an energizing effect
- With supplements notified to the Italian Ministry of Health
It is a food supplement program to combat anxiety and stress, promote calm and good mood during the day and sleep well at night. It contains (1 month): 1 Serena Notte (60 capsules) + 1 Rilassa Mente (60 capsules) + 1 Maqui Juice (500 ml)
Anti-Stress and Sleep-Well Plan: come si assume
Ingredienti di Anti-Stress and Sleep-Well Plan
Approfondimenti scientifici
Cod. Min. Sal.: 68960 - 63260 - 136428
I nostri testi hanno scopo divulgativo, non vanno intesi come indicazione di diagnosi e cura di stati patologici e non vogliono sostituirsi in alcun modo al parere del Medico.
Anti-Stress and Sleep-Well Plan
Programma Stress e Insonnia Salugea con attivi utili per contrastare lo stress e favorire un sonno profondo e di qualità.
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