
Man’s Vigour

Content: 40 tablets - Free shipping


Man’s Vigour

Content: 40 tablets - Free shipping


Sale price€ 52,60
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Natural food supplement for the man’s vigour and wellbeing. It stimulates the sexual functions at three different levels:

  • Hormone Balance
  • Tone and Energy
  • Nitric oxide production

Please note: we advise you not to purchase Sincrovirif you expect to obtain the same results as with a synthetic drug. This product has no direct mechanical effect.

Sincrovir formula has been conceived to improve the body-mind wellbeing by reactivating the body functions after a period of inefficiency. On the long term, the aim is to ensure that the body sexual functions are fully recovered so that Sincrovir will no longer be necessary. That is why you will not experience an immediate mechanical effect after taking the product for the first time, but rather after few days of regular intake. Simply follow the “How to take” instructions below and you will obtain the best results.

Should you wish to leave a comment, please be aware of the above so as to avoid any misunderstanding with reference to the real scope of our food supplement.

Sincrovir formula is based on the idea that a satisfactory sex life is only possible if all of the body functions work properly. Besides, a healthy sex life cannot be supported by illusory and sometimes risky promises.

That is why Sincrovir aims at re-activating the body functions, rapidly. Its vegetable active ingredients stimulate the libido in a non-mechanical way.

After taking Sincrovir every day for at least ten days, you can take Sincrovir only when needed (Please refer to the “How to take” paragraph below).

Sincrovir encourages the body to increase its own production of extra energy. This means that Sincrovir can be taken as a general energy booster, not only to improve sexual functions. As a matter of fact its natural formula does not include stimulants, be they natural or artificial.

In order to allow for a fast improvement of your sexual activity, Sincrovir increases your:

  • Hormone Balance
  • Tone and Energy
  • Nitric oxide production

By focussing on these three main areas of the body functions, Sincrovir will also improve the quality of the male erection and of the sexual intercourse altogether, without any risks for your health nor addiction.

Who is Sincrovir for?

Sincrovir can help if you:

  • Cannot experience a satisfactory sex life because you feel you are under great pressure from work, family and other issues
  • Wish to improve your sexual activity by adding tone and vigour to the erection function;
  • Wish to avoid the use of synthetic products or hormone treatments or have tried natural remedies that did not work.

What can you expect from Sincrovir?

Carefully follow the instructions on how to take Sincrovir and you will realize that your response to the sexual arousal will be much higher and that your erection will sensibly improve. A better response to the sexual stimulus starts a sort of virtuous circle that, time after time, increases the general feeling of self-esteem which in turn generates an increasingly satisfactory sexual activity.

What you should not expect from Sincrovir

Sincrovir deeply differs from drugs that are especially designed to improve erection. Therefore, while synthetic sexual performance drugs generate an automatic physical response, Sincrovir improves the communication between the mind and the body, thus generating a general state of arousal and excitement of all the senses involved.

With the traditional synthetic drug for erectile dysfunctions, the mind (arousal by the senses) and the body (erection) are totally disconnected. This causes passive behaviour and addiction because a man will not trust his own performing capabilities any longer. Besides, in the long term the intake of this kind of drugs might lead to health problems.

Synthetic drugs for the sexual performance need to be taken with every possible precaution and under the supervision of your physician. Some men, especially young men, make use of these substances in a very light-hearted way, totally unaware of the bad consequences a long-term and uncontrolled intake can cause. Furthermore, this generates a vicious circle leading the users to believe that their sexual performance uniquely depends on the drugs.

Sincrovir formula has no secrets

For years, we have been studying the human physiology, the functioning of endocrine glands and of the cell metabolism related to the emotions. Unfortunately, the effect of emotions on the body organs and physiology is still too often underestimated.

We are willing to provide a unique solution, which is also safe and effective on the long term, which is not a temporary solution, but a global and integrated approach to the erectile dysfunction. We are willing to offer a natural remedy that is effective and that is needed for a limited length of time, until a satisfactory sexual activity has been recovered.


The Sincrovir formula only includes 100% natural ingredients. It doesn’t contain neither coffee nor any other type of stimulating substance.


The plant is native to Peru, more precisely to the Andean Highlands. Its roots are generally used to increase the body energy and fight fatigue, but they have also proved to be effective as a support to sexuality.


Amazonian populations use the bark of this plant to fight fatigue. This plant is extremely effective to counteract tiredness as it stimulates the production of energy in the whole body when most needed, i.e. during heavy activites like hunting and harvesting. Catuaba not only ensures tone and vigour to the body but in men it also helps to have and maintain the erection.

Chili Pepper

This hot fruit acts as a natural stimulant. It increases the production of endorphins, widens the blood vessels (vasodilating effect), thus helping the erectile function and increasing the perception of pleasure.


It is an essential amino acid that increases vasodilation and helps energy production in the body. Arginine also stimulates the production of Nitric Oxide (NO) which induces vasodilation in general and in particular of the corpora cavernosa of the erectile tissue.


It is an amino acidic substance involved in the production of arginine which promotes the synthesis of the Nitric Oxide.

Reduced Glutathione

This natural tripeptide (L-Cysteine, L-Glutamate and Glycine) is involved in several redox reactions, is a cofactor of many enzymes and promotes several physiological processes. It stimulates the production of energy and provides strength and vigour.

Muira Puama

The bark of this Amazonian plant is rich in natural substances that improve metabolism and help overcoming times of heavy workload and stress. Traditionally, the bark of this plant has been used to enhance the sexual performance by increasing sexual desire.


It is a root that provides the body with strength, tone and vigour even in extreme conditions, when the body most needs energy. This boosting action also applies to sexual arousal and erection.

Maritime Pine

The oligomeric proanthocyanidines contained in its bark, are strong antioxidants supporting the main body functions especially when these are affected by age, tiredness and excessive wear and tear.


It is a natural amino-acidic substance involved in the synthesis of Nitric Oxide (NO).

Aspartic Acid

It is a natural amino-acidic substance involved in many physiological functions such as the production of energy, the activity of the brains and the production of hormones by the endocrine system.

Sincrovir: come si assume

Ingredienti di Sincrovir

Approfondimenti scientifici

Cod. Min. Sal.: 128323

I nostri testi hanno scopo divulgativo, non vanno intesi come indicazione di diagnosi e cura di stati patologici e non vogliono sostituirsi in alcun modo al parere del Medico.


Man’s Vigour Food Supplement

Domande Frequenti sull'integratore

Sincrovir è un prodotto formulato per l’energia e il vigore maschile. È utile per sostenere naturalmente un’intimità piena e soddisfacente, per dare più energia sia fisica che mentale senza creare effetti indesiderati.

In linea generale non ci sono controindicazioni, i componenti di Sincrovir non vanno ad esercitare azioni negative nei confronti di tematiche cardiovascolari. Se ci fossero condizioni particolarmente serie e complesse, con uso molteplice di farmaci salvavita (es. a seguito di infarto, ictus, ecc.), consigliamo di chiedere il parere del medico curante.

Consigliamo di fare un primo ciclo di partenza assumendo 4 compresse al giorno per 10 giorni. Dopo di ché può proseguire con il mantenimento regolare (1-2 compresse ogni 5-6 giorni + 2 o 4 compresse al momento del bisogno (circa mezz'ora prima) per tutto il tempo che ritiene necessario.


Chiama il Numero Verde Salugea
800-688-801 (Lun-Ven)


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