
Weight control

Content: 60 capsules - Free shipping


Weight control

Content: 60 capsules - Free shipping

"...In 15 giorni ho perso un chilo senza grosse rinunce. Certo ho evitato le classiche abbuffate...Piano piano sono spariti gli attacchi di fame nervosa..." - Evanna

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You really can’t stand those dimples, lumps and bumps on your belly, hips and thighs anymore! Ok, you are going through a very special period in your life: your body has changed, and the wasp waist you used to have is a mere souvenir. Your countless efforts to eat properly and all the keep fit classes you have attended have had no impact on your metabolism which is practically “dead”.

These are just few examples of the hard work required to fight against overweight. But there are so many more!

Dimasal Salugea is a new generation food supplement that allows you to keep your weight under control, helps you reach your ideal weight in a very short time, without having to ingest or rely on algae, laxatives and nervine tonics. At last, a single product that is safe and effective. Your ally against weight gain.

Dimasal has an innovative and unique formulation as it contains three patented ingredients that have successfully undergone clinical trials: SelectSIEVE Rainbow®, DERMOGRANATE® and SATIEREAL® combined with two extremely effective plants for weight control: green tea and cassia nomame.

The strength and effectiveness of Dimasal lie in its exclusive and unrivalled formula. Such formula is the result of a long-term study on metabolism, human physiology and even our society.

What you can expect from Dimasal

Dimasal is a food supplement suitable both for women and men that allows you to:

  • shape your body and improve your silhouette
  • control your weight in an effective and natural way
  • decrease hunger pangs that usually occur mid-morning and mid-afternoon
  • avoid eating snacks at all time
  • stop cravings
  • stimulate the basal metabolism without using nervine tonics and or iodine
  • decrease the absorption of fats and sugars
  • smooth out all the lumps and bumps on thighs, belly and hips.

With Dimasal you will have a 360 degree control of your body weight thanks to natural ingredients that are also safe and have been clinically tested.

What you will NOT find inside Dimasal (which you find instead in most weight control food supplements)

  • Caffeine and nervine substances like Cola, Guaranà, Mate that stimulate your nervous and cardiovascular system. Longterm, you will have sleep troubles, you will feel nervous most of the time, your blood pressure will go through ups and downs, your heart will pound in your chest, you will feel sleepy during the day and alert at night.
  • Iodine and seaweeds (such as Fucus Algae) or other thyroid stimulating substances. Thyroid is a very important and sensitive organ acting as a sort of orchestra conductor for the hormones of the whole body. Hence, long-term overstimulation of the thyroid might affect hormone balance.
  • Laxatives: ought to be avoided because they irritate the bowel mucosa thus causing bowel contractions to expel the irritating substance. Besides, a long term use of laxatives alters the gut microbiota (a complex and dynamic population of microorganisms including bacteria, viruses and fungi) which is fundamental for the health of the whole body. Last but not least, laxatives cause the body to lose an excessive quantity of mineral salts thus causing tiredness, dull skin and in general a lack of vitality.

As it does NOT contain the above substances (unlike most weight-control products on the market), DIMASAL can be beneficial to those suffering from hypertension, gastritis, insomnia and excessive or insufficient thyroid activity.

What is the secret of Dimasal?

Dimasal contains only natural, highly effective and innovative ingredients that positively affect weight control. Such patented ingredients are:

SelectSIEVE Rainbow®

SelectSIEVE Rainbow® is a unique mix of black rice, kiwi, red orange and pineapple highly titrated extracts obtained by bio-fermentation and ultra-filtration. This mix:

  • Has a high thermogenic effect, as it transforms a high quantity of sugars and fats into energy. This entails that fat deposits are “burnt” more quickly also without a heavy workout routine.
  • Improves the production of collagen which replenishes skin cells so as to avoid the “sagging skin” effect.
  • Stops the action of those enzymes that allow for sugar and fat absorption1


DERMOGRANATE® is a dry extract obtained from pomegranate. The mix of highly titrated active ingredients:

  • is particularly effective on the metabolic syndrome (a condition that combines obesity, high blood pressure, high blood sugar, high cholesterol and triglycerides levels and that increases the risk of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes);
  • neutralizes free radicals;
  • decreases the levels of triglycerides in the blood stream and of fat deposits2.


SATIEREAL®: highly titraded saffron extracts that naturally contain crocin and safranal. Compared to other saffron-based products, these constituents increase saffron effectiveness by 10 times and promote a sense of satiety, thus decreasing appetite and the desire for sugary products3.


At specific standardizations, green tea extracts can decrease the amount of body fat and accelerate metabolism.


Cassia nomame is considered as one of the most powerful remedies for weight control. It inhibits the production of pancreatic lipase (a digestive enzyme that promotes fat absorption) thus decreasing the amount of body fat.

What you can do to make Dimasal even more effective:

By simply including Dimasal intake in your daily routine, you will obtain excellent results . But if you wish the results to be even more satisfactory simply follow a correct diet and do a little exercise.

With Dimasal you will be pleased to finally get back into wonderful shape!

Dimasal: come si assume

Ingredienti di Dimasal

Approfondimenti scientifici

Cod. Min. Sal.: 128373

I nostri testi hanno scopo divulgativo, non vanno intesi come indicazione di diagnosi e cura di stati patologici e non vogliono sostituirsi in alcun modo al parere del Medico.


Weight control

Domande Frequenti sull'integratore

Sì, perché Dimasal non contiene ingredienti che interferiscono con la tiroide anche da chi deve tenere sotto controllo la tiroide ed assume farmaci per farlo.

Già dopo le prime settimane puoi avvertire i benefici. Consigliamo di portare avanti il trattamento per 3 mesi e di abbinare una dieta equilibrata ed esercizio fisico costante ed adeguato. Puoi continuare l’assunzione per tutto il tempo che ritieni necessario.

Consigliamo di assumere Dimasal così: 1 capsula 30 minuti prima di pranzo e 1 capsula prima di cena. Per un’azione ancora più veloce, solo per il primo mese puoi assumere una capsula anche prima di colazione.


Chiama il Numero Verde Salugea
800-688-801 (Lun-Ven)


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